Successfully Where
Immigration Has No Borders
The US Citizenship & Immigration Service’s processing period varies by the Service Center and type of application or petition. Each Service Center’s processing timeframe changes very frequently with one Service Center processing a particular application/petition within 3 months and other taking longer period of time.
USCIS processing time information for the below service centers can be found by clicking here.
The Department of Labor processes the labor certification petitions in the order it was received. The status of an electronically filed labor certification application via the permanent case management system (online) can be checked at the Department of Labor’s website. It is always advisable that employer should periodically check, and compare its filing date, i.e., the date the application was submitted for processing. If there is more than a 30-day difference between the employer’s filing date and the PERM processing time, the employer must contact the National Processing Center (NPC) for a status update.
PERM | Labor Certification processing time information can be found by clicking here.